SSD vs HDD | Which One is Best?

To store the files and folders on the computer, we need a storage device. But, In the market, there are different options like SSD(Solid-State-Drive) and HDD(Hard-Disk-Drive). Which one is fast and best for you?


HDD is a storage device that stores data. It has a moving disk inside it to store the data, files, and folders magnetically. HDD is one of the oldest storage devices and technology. The read/write speed of HDD is slow because it has a movable disk to read/write the data.


SSD is a solid-state storage device that doesn't have any moving parts. All data are stored in an integrated circuit inside SSD. The read/write speed of SSD is fast because it doesn't have any movable parts.

Difference Between SSD and HDD:

  • Faster than HDD.
  • Slower than SSD.
  • Expensive.
  • Cheap.
  • It doesn't corrupt quickly.
  • It corrupt easily most of the time.
  • Doesn't get damaged easily when dropped.(Not In Every Case)
  • Get damaged easily when dropped.(Not In Every Case)

SSD is faster than HDD, you can quickly copy and move files, doesn't corrupt easily, drop resistant, small in size. But, It is expensive.

HDD is slower than SSD. But, It is cheap.

Which One is Best For You?

It depends. If you use your computer just for storing files and folders, then HDD is for you, and you can easily get high storage HDD at a low price.

But, If you use your computer for using heavy apps, play heavy games. Then, SSD is for you, and remember you need to pay more for high storage SSD.

Note: Storage write/read speed is equally important as RAM and Processor in a computer. Because, If the read/write speed of the storage device is fast, then the computer can quickly find the data or files store on the disk.

Note: Storage write/read speed is equally important as RAM and Processor in a computer. Because, If the read/write speed of the storage device is fast, then the computer can quickly find the data or files store on the disk.

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