Android 12 New Privacy Feature For User Safety


At the recent Google I/O conference, they introduce a new Android 12 OS. The new Android 12 OS is more featured packed and user-friendly. They have also talked about the privacy feature on Android 12.

Android 12 Privacy

Privacy Dashboard

On Android 12, you will get a new setting called Privacy Dashboard where you can see when and what type of data and information was accessed by the app. You will also see a manage permission button to directly control and manage the permission used by the app.


Android 12 new privacy feature also includes an indicator that will tell you which sensor(microphone, camera, location, etc) is used by the app.

Disable Permission Quickly

You will also get the option to disable the permissions for any app in Quick Settings.

Now we can say Android 12 is going to be the more secure operating system. Now users have all the control over their private information uses.

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