How Do Websites Work?

Whenever we enter the URL on the web browser of any website, the website page which is also known as the webpage is loaded. But, how? How the page stored somewhere else load in the user's computer? How Does Website Work?

How Does Website Work?

There work 2 computers to make the website work. They are Client-side computers and Server-side computers. Client means the User computer and the Server means where the website data, information, and codes are stored.

The wifi/network connection and ISP help to exchange information between the Client and Server.

When a user/client enters the URL, the request of the URL goes to the Server. When the server gets the request, it checks its database and analyzes if the user is new, or the user already exists on our server, does this user has uploaded anything to our website, etc. information to show the response to the user.
Then, the codes run and create suitable data and information for the user, and then the information is converted into an HTML file to send to the user.
When the user/client web browser receives an HTML file, the browser runs the website on the user's computer. You can check the HTML file on your web browser of any website. Simply, right-click and click on the View Page Source option or press the CTRL+U key from the keyboard.

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