What Should Be Your Typing Speed As a Programmer?

Programmers have only one job which is to code and coding involves typing many lines of code which take plenty of time. To type those hundreds, and thousands of lines of code fast, you need to type fast as well. But how fast or how much typing speed should a programmer have?

What Should Be Your Typing Speed As a Programmer?

I don't know if there is any survey or anything related to this question. But in my experience as a programmer having a typing speed of 40 WPM to 60 WPM will be the cherry on top. Again this is my experience as a programmer and what I have learned and done so far in the field of coding.

Why A Programmer's Typing Speed Should be 40-60 WPM or More?

The reason I said to have a 40-60 WPM typing speed is that it is considered the average fast typing speed in general. If your typing is this fast, you can easily code. In fact, in coding your most of time is invested in thinking and creating logic and then writing or typing that into a computer code. If your typing speed is fast you can do that typing part faster than other programmers.

What If As a Programmer Your Typing Speed Is Slow?

There are no fixed criteria for having typing speed to become a good programmer. Even If you have a typing speed of let's say 30 WPM but your programming knowledge and logical and critical thinking are high you are one of the best programmers in the world. And typing is a skill that you develop over time. If you keep using a computer and typing, your typing speed will eventually improve and at some point, your typing speed might reach 100 WPM, who knows? So always learn and practice both typing and coding and always enjoy the beauty of the learning process.

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